Emotionull Art

My Little Toy Factory


We always discover the toys that we connect with the most as children and grow up with. Or, at the very least, grow up with it till we break it, you know? But there are some toys and unique objects that we keep near to us and with which we bond. I remember having those unique stuffed animals, action figures, and a special blanket when I was a youngster. They provided us with so much joy and gave us the opportunity to express our inner child. We were free to do and be anything we pleased. It was like stepping into another planet.

I like to think of my art as a means to remain connected to this world and emotions; we strive to grow up so quickly to become what we are told we are meant to become, but where is the pleasure in that? Where is the excitement in rushing to grow old enough to have a 9-5 job? I didn’t understand at first and may have even opposed it, but our opinions change with time, and they are shaped by our circumstances. I couldn’t live in a dream world when I had to help pay bills, so it was easy to lose track of time and detach from this emotion.

Detective Phetta and the Phettaverse allow me to build upon my creativity and allow my inner child out. So when I got my hands on a 3D printer you know I had to go ham BAYYYBEEE!!!

Looks like a jumbled mess huh? Well, cus it was and it was a panic attack in a half. I don’t do well with a lot of parts, I get overwhelmed and my brain overthinks but with the amount of excitement I had to get started I think helped a lot. After getting it set up, I don’t think I stopped printing and tinkering with it. It really was like playing with old electronics and computers as a kid. It felt even better once I got it all together as well.

Since putting the printer together, I’ve upgraded it with a Rasp-pi that uses Octoprint and a few smaller upgrades to help optimize printing. I’ve even started printing and selling a small Phetta toy!

I’m excited to keep pushing my physical toy art and building and printing bigger and better things. It’s been so fun learning to bring my 3D art into the physical world. Now how am I suppose to finish this article? I am not sure. It is my birthday and I felt like writing one. Today I am officially 24 years old. Seem old huh? And he’s just out here making toys?!?! What a nerd!


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