Emotionull Art

Meeting Internet Personas Makes Them Real


Become part of a virtual world where people's faces are replaced by their profile images and where social interactions are reduced to a simple passing by on the timeline. What do we learn from the main town hall, where people gather to air their views and share their stories? What ties us to each other? This is something that dawned on me. Maybe a little amount of nostalgia following the NFT NYC 2022 conference. Disconnecting from the people who are close to you and care about you is a pretty simple process. I'll always argue that the internet is a fantastic resource, but seeing these "Profile Pictures" in person is surreal. These are people with their own personalities, smiles, and voices. It is an incredible feeling to finally meet the individuals you've known online for so long, even if you don't communicate with them in person every day.

And other people would think that's nothing out of the ordinary! People meet all the time. Although I'm not sure I've explained it well, there's a distinct difference between communicating virtually with someone and doing it in person. What I'm trying to convey is how strange it is for me to feel cut off from the rest of the world and the people I interact with on a daily basis. It's hardly a joke when people remark "live in your own little bubble."

I think my biggest takeaway from traveling and seeing friends again is I have to find a way to get out of the bubble when I am back home. I am so locked up in my studio room working on random things, yet I never get to get that immense flow of inspiration like you do when out in the city or just being my friends in general.

I think I just need to get closer to people. I feel like I don't fit in the most where I am living currently. Or maybe I've just given up on putting in the energy to fit in here. I've grown through most of my life here, it's more surrounded by the negative memories which suck. I guess I still find some light in my current situation. I am comfortable, happy deep down, and able to wake up and create every day. That one final step is just having friends there along the way, much closer though.

Thanks for listening to me ramble.


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