Hello everyone! Back once again to give you a sort of run down on what I am working on and creating with the game design! It's kinda been consuming me I can't lie, it's a goal I've always wanted to complete, and now that I can say I have completed a working game and working on a much bigger one, it feels surreal.
I do wonder how many people actually read these... If you're reading this I am thanking you personally you're a cute person.
So quick summary. I created and released Phetta Kart, which ended up selling out in under an hour! That's a whole other topic that is truly insane, the way NFTs can truly help and fund game designers if they incorporate it into their work, I was able to get funded for my first ever game and feel and see people playing it right off the bat, something about that is crazy. Hearing about game design, it's often thrown in with unreasonable work and long hours, and the long hours are def, not a lie I'll tell you. With NFTs, game designers can begin creating their dream game and get funded for its creations while staying focused on what they love creating.
So you made a Kart game, what's next Emotionull? Well, Don't you worry! I am working on a Phettaverse Platformer as well as a Phetta LSD Dream Emulator remake. I was lucky enough to find LSD Revamped which is a full remake of LSD Dream Emulator from the PS1, except it's all built-in Unity and editable.

Regarding the Platformer, I am going for a very Crash Bandicoot, Mario 64 vibe, with a mix of the Psychedelic pheeling Phetta provides. I don't really have a name for this game yet, but I am really happy with where it's going so far.
What I have laid out so far:
A Hub world with portals to new levels.
NPC System (Dialogue) can also offer fun easter egg quests for you to find items from friends/projects I enjoy.
Two levels started.
Save and load system.
Unity and game design is truly still very unknown to me, I have been going off lots of tutorials and youtube videos. Below are some screenshots of what I have completed so far.

The Hub World has a lot of work to be done to it, I want to add more buildings and NPCS without bogging down the game too much so I have to be pretty careful with keeping everything low poly and optimized. If you notice, I am using the Phettaverse city as the Hub World. If you didn't know, the Phettaverse city is about 5Mil tris.. So not the greatest for games lmfaoo. We'll have to fix that someday.
Below is a video of the quest system that I am putting together, currently working out the system for when the quest is completed, that shit gets confusing quickly haha.

Level design is something I have been slowly researching and trying to learn more of, I have been looking at Mario 64 maps as well as a few other games to get an idea of how to play them out without making them too easy but also allowing ppl to speed run the levels in some sense.
My major goal right now would be figuring out a better camera system, there is an article I have been looking at that goes over Mario Oddyessy Camera system, I'd love to incorporate this somehpw.