So you want to know about Cloudy's story and creation I see? Well, you got to the right spot! Below is a background and explanation for Cloudy and its beginnings!
Cloudy was created in VR!
Cloudy was a regular and normal alien in the city world of Phettaverse to provide you a bit of a starting point. As people say, Cloudy had a 9-5 as a web designer. At home he had a pet frog he loved passionately, it provided him the stability he longed for until he found the one. He actively dreamed during his business days about surfing the unknown he often listens to through the Detective Phettas case studies. Cloudy immediately came to realize that unknown was not too far away.

3D view of Cloudy

The frog in question.
When Phetta discovers or enters a new world, it is not always sunshine and daisies, it might have serious ramifications for other creatures and worlds who dwell here. Cloudy was one of them, however, in the new form, he still believed in the new way of seeing the world and the need to escape the chains in which he was stuck in.
Now Cloudy has two power orbs that power his cloud machine, but also bring peace to the Phettaverse.
Cloudy himself is stored on both the Arweave blockchain and IPFS. Both file hashes from these storage platforms are written to the NFT during minting to ensure longevity in his adventures across the Phettaverse.
NFT Comes with a Physical plushie and AR-ready metal print. The owner of Cloudy will also have IPFS access to USDZ and GLB files for AR fun!