"LSD: Dream Emulator" has always been one of my favorite old Playstation 1 games. I've always been intrigued by both the art and the whole mood and energy it exudes. The fact that this game has never been redone till now, as far as I know, always shocked me. I've always told myself that if I ever go into game development, this would definitely be a game I drew a lot from. Although I haven't yet begun making games, I've been working on a vast 3D universe that can surely be described as psychedelic or dreamlike.
However, why would I re-create it in a game that requires you to download and store it? For example, why not construct a web-based metaverse-style game to exhibit my work, but also allow people the opportunity to go via countless portals and explore new lands? I, of course, begin by saying that I have no idea how to code; I'm your definition of a copypasta script, kiddie.. When it comes to JanusWeb, I've been doing nothing but copying and pasting code till something breaks or I figure it out. I'll be utilizing Janus Web as the engine for this massive idea/project, which I want to extend overtime as I produce new artwork.
What is JanusWeb exactly?
Easily connect to the metaverse from within a normal 2D browser. Whether on a desktop computer, phone, or tablet, JanusWeb runs on most modern web browsers and lets you explore, chat and play across devices. Think of it as a way to completely rethink how we surf the web and consume media. Typically, the way I share my art is via video or image format on Twitter or my website. However, with Janus, I'll be able to recreate those scenes of 3D work and allow users to chat, walk around, and view these imaginative worlds. You can find more about Janus here.
My favorite part of Janus is the lack of code needed to create your 3D scenes; the process is pretty simple, I've found out, and the more I use the tools and play with the code, it's becoming easier to understand.
Currently, however, I am stuck on editing more internal things regarding Janus. So to explain, Janus is an open-source tool that you can use and build upon, but that is a bit hard if you're a person like me who still has no clue how to code. But I think we have been making decent progress.
But let's stay focused! I don't think I have been; I have a plan so far to lay out a sort of Hub world in which you will find the Portal Ruins (featured in Android:444 lore.) Here in the portal ruins, you, of course, will find portals that you will be able to begin hopping through and exploring. Pictured below is the Portal Ruins layout. I stretched the models a bit to make the room a bit longer, I liked the feel of that, and allowed me to cont to stretch it and add more portals as time went on. I'd also like to add a couple of animated models that give you a nice feel, and maybe a nice display of NFT's that I have for sale as well via this hub world.
The really cool thing about Janus is the ability to create sort of portals that allow you to enter new websites or metaverses. Big thank you to Jin aka Dankvr for helping me with this process. Example used: https://vesta.janusxr.org/bepis/portal-hub
The visual example below: Starting in JanusWeb Clock Realm, and entering Webaverse Clock Realm all within the same browser.
Currently, I have laid out 4 worlds, the hub world, Clock Realm, Jazz Ants Studio, and the Phettaverse City. Although the city is a whole project in itself the way, I sculpt models are typically not the best for optimization. Currently, the Phettaverse City is a bit laggy and can easily crash your browser, but it's coming along! I had hopes of making the city the Hub realm, but for optimization's sake, I may wait for that and cont to build onto the Hub Realm.
Want to explore the World yourself? The best place to start right now is Clock Realm as it has the most Portals, but once the Hub is more laid out, I will go ahead and switch that out for the index.
Check it out here: https://www.phettaverse.com/ Or view the embed below!