Behind The Scenes

Hello again, "Winter Blues"
Being overwhelmed is a convenient excuse I use when I don't want to communicate my feelings. Hello once more; I apologize for being absent for

My Journey Of Creating A Phettaverse Hub World
I suppose you could say that I have been completely preoccupied with the concept of constructing an entire city that encapsulates the idea of what

Being Aware Of The Progress You Make
I say this a lot to myself, but I am terrible at being aware, proud, and happy about the accomplishments and progress I've made in

Why should you collect Borgor Rabbit and join the Phettaverse Family?
Borgor Rabbit is a 1/1 Metaverse Ready Character 3D sculpted in VR and made by me. What does "Metaverse Ready" mean? Great question! The main

The Creation Of Borgor Rabbit & Borgor World
Creating Borgor Rabbit I'd like to share a few of the steps I took to develop this new character for the Phettaverse. In a creative

How Does An Artist Protect Their Process?
Recently, a buddy expressed a desire that I maintain control over my creative process, and ever since then, I've felt compelled to consider this idea

Meeting Internet Personas Makes Them Real
Become part of a virtual world where people's faces are replaced by their profile images and where social interactions are reduced to a simple passing

Following My Dreams Of Game Design
Hello everyone! Back once again to give you a sort of run down on what I am working on and creating with the game design!