The idea of being an artist and created is chaotic, nonsense to most, probably to all. Yet we still are so fascinated by it as humans, what does it provide for us? Why do we create what we create in these moments? I've been thinking a lot about the idea of getting the message of the Phettaverse and who Phetta is across to the general public in a easy to understand manner. Yet maybe my struggle is the Phettaverse and me aren't the easiest thing to simplfy. As any other human, I have layers, stories, ideas, dreams and goals that all change and morph together in some unique way that sometimes leaves you a bit jumbled for words, or maybe you are running out of time to finish that sentence.
Yet the sentence is surely a run on and sometimes youll get lost in it, but the meaning and message is typically there at the end. I want to be better at providing that message in the moment, for those that aren't aware and can quickly learn.
The Phettaverse started back in April 5, 2021, actually as a way for me to explore and dive into more mediums, for those unaware I did daily paintings for about a year before creating the Phettaverse, and before making painting daily, I was creating and releasing music. That's actually where the name Emotionull originated, when I was creating emo rap. Looking back on the music and paintings I have created moving into the Phettaverse, it shows a lot of growth on my mental state in a very visual manner, from being extremely depressed/sad and having a very negative outlook on life, I have flown into a abstract world that allows me to grow not only as a person but also as an artist. The Phettaverse provides me stability. I think art as a whole has provided me stability. I started created music because I needed an outlet after using meth and herion for a year or so, I managed to get clean without rehab but simply by meeting my favorite artist and them instantly knowing I was high. That alone made me switch up what I was doing in life. Art has become that new addiction. Something that I can obsess over and dive deeper. Phetta is my stepping stone, something that I can always go back on and be stable, know what I am doing and not be lost in what is life.

Daily Paintings
Yet, Phetta is also me. As a kid I always imagined myself in unique worlds and as super hero's, and growing up playing games like mario, sly cooper, banjo and other things have always fascinated me. The story behind Phetta and his purple self is actually me hopping into a vr headset and being transferred into a new world, unknown to me at the time, this was the start and birth of the Phettaverse, from there he meets and finds a unique tv head character, who he later names TV man. TV man, at first nothing more than a voice, later gains a body through Phetta's assistance, transitioning from a handheld camera to a makeshift robot. TV man presents Phetta with the possibility of transcendence, of leaving their physical form behind to traverse the Phettaverse as pure imagination.
The Phettaverse is more than just an artistic project; it's an extension of myself. A reflection of the whimsical worlds I imagined as a kid, the superheroes I aspired to be, and the fantastic narratives spun by the video games I adored. The hardships, and the good moments in life all create Phetta's story, his purple avatar, and his adventures mirror my own exploration and growth.

Being an artist, a creator, is often a journey that vacillates between internal struggle and boundless inspiration. It's kinda like walking on a tightrope. yet i clearly have bad balance and am swaying back and fourth, with a vast expanse of emotions teetering on either side.
The process of explaining my art sometimes feels like conversing with a wall. It's a unique paradox where I'm eager to share the stories and emotions embedded within my work, yet I grapple with the fact that the main platform I currently have to share my narrative is through social media. A digital wall, if you will.
Primarily, I create for myself. It's a cathartic process that offers me solace, and each creation is a testament to my journey, my emotions, my essence. I find joy in it; it's what keeps me grounded. Yet, as an artist, I also yearn for others to comprehend the rationale behind my work. I want my audience to dive beneath the surface, to unravel the stories, to feel the emotions that I've woven into each piece.
So how do I portray that story without writing out a full book for a few people to read? As an artist, and not a marketer, or a salesman, I feel like I am holding myself back at times, yet that is a simple projection or idea of where I am in life. Realistically, I am happy and successful, yet I also have dreams for more, and bigger ideas, I guess is what I'm trying to get across in this here ramble.
The Phettaverse continues to unfold, a canvas that reflects my journey, my struggles, my dreams, and my growth. It's a realm that transcends the limitations of conventional art, inviting everyone to step in and experience the stories that I, and all the characters of the Phettaverse, have to tell.