Emotionull Art


Cloudy carries the power orbs that give him the unique power of controlling the environment, primarily being clouds. Cloudy use to be an average alien within Phettaverse, but a dark and twisted night caused a new world to begin.

Cloudy himself is stored on both the Arweave blockchain and IPFS. Both file hashes from these storage platforms are written to the NFT during minting to ensure longevity in his adventures across the Phettaverse.

NFT Comes with a Physical plushie and AR-ready metal print. The owner of Cloudy will also have IPFS access to USDZ and GLB files for AR fun!

Collector of Cloudy will have the option to brainstorm an Edition piece to sell via KO and split profits.

Contract: 0xD838724658A64fE63E24F18ccE407b7CF308935E

Owned By: 0x113d

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