Borgor Machine
About Borgor Machine
Here we present Borgor Machine. During his effort to create the one-of-a-kind Borgor World, the legendary Borgor Rabbit created this virtual robot. This Borgor robot companion is here to help, even though it occasionally has bugs where it makes an unlimited number of borgors. This portal in the robot's head enables it to produce new and different Borgors. You might be wondering what is hidden within the Borgor's many layers. The larger borgor comprises several smaller borgors, each no bigger than a single molecule.
This is the first edition item to be distributed under the edition contract. It comes with a fully functional VRM and other metaverse-ready files that you may take with you when you travel to the Phettaverse.
Special Powers:
The Borgor Machine Robot is a unique and powerful creature in the Phettaverse. This robot is known for its ability to spray Borgors, which are the Phettaverse equivalent of hamburgers.
The Borgor Machine Robot's super power is the ability to produce an endless supply of Borgors. These delicious treats are created using advanced technology and are highly sought after by the inhabitants of the Phettaverse.